Dendrobium parishii

Dendrobium parishii is such a satisfying orchid to grow. It is vigorous, puts on a great show, and has a wonderful fruity scent. It is originally from Southeast Asia and is a deciduous orchid that requires a distinct rest period where it will lose most of its leaves. It is a protected species throughout much of its natural range but is widely available in cultivation from specimens that are grown from seeds, divisions, or keikis. 

Dendrobium parishii, June 2024

When I first got my Dendrobium parishii from Brookside Orchids in May of 2023, I was skeptical. It didn't look very impressive (no offense to Brookside-- they have great plants, and my worries were unfounded). It came in a standard clear pot in packed spagnum, and I popped that right into a little net pot that I had without disturbing the roots at all. 

Dendrobium parishii, April 8, 2023

Dendrobium parishii, April 8, 2023

I watered but allowed the roots to dry between waterings. Almost immediately, leaves started yellowing and dropping, which definitely caused some anxiety. However, about a month later I noticed buds!

May 13, 2023

And here is the first bloom. So adorable! Smells fruity, sort of like raspberries.

Dendrobium parishii, May 30, 2023

After it was done blooming, I mounted it onto a piece of cork. When I first got into mounting orchids, I bought a box of random sized natural cork, and when I want to mount an orchid I break or saw off a chunk and drill a hole for a hanging wire. I use strips cut from pantyhose to hold the orchids onto their mounts. 

September 2023

It LOOOOVED its new mount, and immediately started growing like crazy. For reasons unknown, it produced a giant growth on one side, and lots of little growths on the other side. In the summer and fall, it lived with my other mounted orchids and got watered daily, misted twice a day and saw temperatures up into the 80s. 

In December I moved it out of the warm grow tent to live with the other cooler growing orchids in a fish tank near a cold window and backed off on the watering. Sometimes I left the window cracked open near the cool orchids to try to encourage temperatures into the 60s and at night. By January I was watering it every one-two weeks, and I hung it on a nail next to a cool windowsill and mostly left it alone. Probably the lowest temp it saw was around 65 at night, as the house thermostat is set for 68 and temps are a little cooler near windows. 

May 1, 2024

In April, all of my other orchids were celebrating spring with new growths and buds, but Parishii was still totally dormant. But, if you look closely...

May 1, 2024. Buds on Dendrobium parishii!!!

Those are buds, YAY.  Not dead 😄. Impending bloom 😂.

June 21, 2024

And here we are in full bloom! At the same time that it starts blooming, it is also starting to push new growths. 

This blog post reminds me that I should put it back in the warm grow tent for the summer to encourage lots of new growth, so that next year's blooms are even better.

This is a plant that I would totally suggest to home growers who can offer temps in the high 60s in the winter. 


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