Angraecum sesquipedale- 5 months of growth

I pulled out the Angraecum sesquipedales today when watering, and I was just blown away by the growth this summer. You can see what they looked like in May in this post

This is what they look like 5 months later! This one is the baby sesquipedale-- I got it as a seedling in 2022 and it has never bloomed. It is potted in a large clear plastic cup. 

My "baby" Angraecum sesquipedale. Fingers crossed for a bloom this winter!

This one was mature when I got it, but it has taken some time and fussing to make it happy. It seems to love its current location with the Cattleyas, right in front of the fan. It is in a takeout soup container with an extra reservoir of water. It drains the reservoir daily! I'll have to find it a new location soon, it is growing right up and around the led lights. 

Angraecum sesquipedale- it was mature when I got it in May 2022.

This one is Angraecum Lemforde White Beauty (sesquipedale x magdalenae). It is the newest member of the family, I've had it less than a year. It seems to be taking off, with new leaves that are much larger than the previous. 

Angraecum Lemforde White Beauty

 Happy growing!


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