Deflasking for contamination

Today I deflasked my first home made hybrids. Unfortunately, it was not by choice, but to save them from the mold that was growing in their flask. 

In my last flasking I did 4 replates and sowed two new flasks, and this one is the only one to show contamination. It also only showed contamination after a month of growing, suggesting that the contamination might have made its way in despite the plastic wrap protecting the lids. 

The white on the surface of the medium is a solid mat of mold.

Since this flask had several plants with clearly defined leaves and roots, I decided the best thing to give these plants a chance was to pot them up. 

I considered using physan when Deflasking, but I decided that whatever was growing in the flask was unlikely to like the conditions of the real world. So I just washed them in water and potted them in spagnum soaked in kelpak. 

This cross is Cl. Grace Dunn c Ctsm. ivanae. Wish my little plantlets luck! 


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